Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of First Grade

In our area, we have some schools that operate on a  ‘year-round’ schedule and we love it! We’re on Track 2 (there are four tracks) and the children attend for approximately 9 weeks then they are out for 3 weeks. Multiple tracks are staggered and it works out so that the schools are operational all year long and…so much better….the children don’t ‘waste’ the first 6 weeks of the traditional school year relearning what they forgot during the 3-month summer block. Plus, the girls attend Track-Out camp (mostly) during the 3 week hiatus and get to go to all sorts of fun programs though by far their favorite camp it a drama school.
Sammi and Nicki returned back to school a few weeks ago but the pics below are from their very first day of First Grade.
Sammi  in the red stripes; Sammi in blue….
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blog me 2011 207blog Mom and Girlslate summer 2011 221
Hope you continue loving first grade, Little Ones!

1 comment:

Truly Blessed said...

Beautiful. Enjoy 1st grade girls!!